Health Care
We believe that health care is a human right.
“It’s clear every Republican prediction about Obama care was wrong. Just ask the millions of Americans who now have access to health care.”
— U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer
California Democrats believe that health care is a human right not a privilege, yet for too long families have had to make the decision between medicine and food. California Democrats supported the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which has enabled millions of Californians to have quality, affordable care for the first time. And we are fighting Republican efforts to take away health care from Americans.
- We are holding health insurers and providers accountable for the quality of care and for protecting the privacy of Californians’ health records.
- We are working to reduce barriers to small business to offer health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, to improve employee health and fuel our economy.
- California Democrats expanded access to safe family planning options for women in underserved rural areas. We promote health care for women and girls including pre-natal, peri-natal, well-baby care and comprehensive immunization services and full reproductive health services that respects a woman’s right to choose.
- California Democrats are expanding health coverage for children regardless of their immigration status – because children shouldn’t be a casualty of our nation’s broken immigration system.
Dems Lead: More than 1.4 million previously uninsured Californians obtained health care in 2014 and 2015 through Covered California, created by the Affordable Care Act.
Medicare Part B-Reduce Chances of Penalties
Medicare Part B-Reduce Chances of Penalties
WHEREAS, current regulations for Medicare Part B state that if you choose not to enroll when you are first eligible at the age of 65, you may permanently increase costs if you decide to enroll later with Part B premiums increasing by 10 percent for each 12-month period you delay enrollment in Part B, and
WHEREAS, the regulations regarding enrollment in Medicare Part B are very confusing and there are circumstances when one does not need to sign up immediately upon reaching 65, if for instance that person is working and receives health insurance from his/her employer, but these rules depend on the size of the company and are difficult to comprehend leading to many people sincerely believing they do not need to sign up for Medicare Part B and being totally unaware of the stiff financial penalties if they do not, and
WHEREAS, many seniors are unaware of these complex rules and make mistaken choices out of ignorance rather than intent and some classes of citizens are even more burdened, such as those who have been incarcerated as different complex rules apply to them often leaving them without access to Medicare when they are released and it was clearly the intent of the authors of Medicare to make it available to all seniors in need;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the California Democratic Party requests that adequate information be provided to all Americans reaching the age of 65 about Medicare Part B and that they be told clearly that they may suffer huge lifelong financial penalties if they do not enroll at the proper time and that the administration provide assistance for understanding such as requiring a written form showing that eligible enrollees have been informed of and understand the consequences of their choices, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that special and adequate relief be available to those citizens who through honest mistakes have missed signing up for Medicare Part B in a timely manner and that these lifetime late penalties be removed from those seniors who are desperately in need of adequate and affordable health care in their sunset years and that notice of this resolution be sent to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and members of Congress who serve on the committees that oversee the administration of Medicare.
Authored by Helena Straughter. Sponsored by Santa Clara County Democratic Party, Santa Clara County Central Committee, Mono County Democratic Party, Region 6 African American Caucus, Alameda county Castro Valley Democratic Club, CDP Veterans Caucus, Amador County Central Committee, Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, CDP Region 4, CDP Region 6, et al.
Adopted by the California Democratic Party
At its Summer/Fall 2015 E-board Meeting
Hyatt Regency
August 16, 2015